Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Resurrection of Gilded Sunflower

Its been a couple of years since i've blogged. I got the blogging itch a few times since then and at one point I even designed a new blog only to never post anything.(Insert frowny face here) Anyways, I woke up today with a weird need to start a new blog. So i've been sitting in front of my computer for the last few hours designing a layout and relearning how to use HTML. Ugh HTML...

I proudly give you the new and improved Gilded Sunflower!!

Well its not completely finished yet. I plan to upgrade and reconfigure things little by little as I get back into the swing of things. As i'm sure none of you are aware, last time I blogged, I also blogged under the name Gilded Sunflower. It was mainly makeup/skincare/all things beauty. This time around I will still be showing you beauty related content as well as a heavy dose of book related content.

While I always enjoyed reading, it wasn't until 2014 that I dove back into the craziness that is the book world. I discovered many great book blogs as well as Booktube. Now that is something that I could never do. I'm to chicken to be in front of a camera. This whole community of people is just awesome and I wanted to be apart of that.

So here I am with open arms, hoping you all will accept me into your community. I look forward to bringing you my completely unbiased opinions about books and beauty.


  1. I'll follow! It's @TeacherofYA from Twitter! Welcome back!

    1. Thank you so much! I'll follow back as well :)
